Having an herb garden of your own is a matter of pride. Whether you want to build an herb garden this year or plant new herbs, spring is an important season. In the spring, you have many important gardening tasks. In this blog, we offer some tips and help for your herb garden.
Why build your herb garden
Save money
No one can resist the allure of herbs. But buying herbs at the grocery store, supermarket, or flower market incurs more expense because the seller needs to make a profit. You’ll need to spend at least a few dollars on a bunch of parsley or cilantro, and then you’ll need to spend more money on gardening supplies like containers and fertilizer.
If you grow your own herbs, you will be able to decide on the type of plants and control the size of your planting as you see fit. Plus, it will cost you less!
Fresh herbs give you a better experience
By growing your herbs in your garden, you’ll have a constant supply of fresh herbs all year round. Whether it’s for cooking or making essential oils, fresh herbs are a better choice than dried herbs.
If you harvest a lot of fresh herbs, you can leave them in a single layer until they dry. Then break them up and place them in a clear jar. These dried herbs you make with your own hands are better quality and more aromatic than the dried herbs available on the market.
Easy to grow
Herbs are easier to grow than vegetables. You can grow herbs either in a backyard greenhouse, in a garden bed, or a small mini pot. Herbs are more flexible in terms of growing space and don’t take much time to maintain.
Make you eat healthier
We know that fresh herbs can flavor dishes. Different herbs can bring out unique flavors. Herbs can add a natural flavor to food as opposed to sugar and salt. At the same time, using herbs can reduce the negative effects of sugar and salt.
When to start your spring herb garden?
You need to first know whether the herbs you plan to plant are annuals, biennials, or perennials. And, you also need to be clear about whether you are planting indoors or outdoors.
For annuals and biennials like basil, dill, and parsley you can start your seeds in March. If you want to get more harvest, you should plant these herbs in pots in the greenhouse during the winter.
Perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage, and thyme are not suitable for early spring planting. You should plant these types of plants in warm weather conditions.
Which herbs are easy to grow at home
If you are a food lover, you should try growing thyme, which will make your dishes more delicious. Thyme has a unique aroma and is a common flavoring plant. This evergreen herb is used in cooking all types of cuisine. Thyme is often cooked with chicken and potatoes.
It is very easy to grow thyme. Pots, greenhouses, or even any container can be used to grow these plants.
In addition to flavoring, thyme has other benefits. Gargling with thyme can help eliminate mouth sores and bad breath. If you have a cold, drinking tea made from thyme can make you more comfortable because thyme has antibacterial properties.
Calendula is beautiful and ideal for both medicinal uses and as an ornamental plant. Calendula can be grown in pots on balconies, in greenhouses, or raised garden beds.
This golden yellow flower is the perfect decoration for the garden. The most prominent characteristics of calendula are its antibacterial and moisturizing properties, which can be used to make salves, lotions, creams, etc.
Salves made from calendula can soothe sunburn and insect bites, nourish the skin, and relieve rashes. If your family has these needs, consider growing calendula.
Lavender is beautiful and comes in a variety of varieties. You can easily create your own lavender area in your backyard. In addition to being a garden addition, you can also make lavender essential oil for anxiety and insomnia relief. Lavender is also very popular with women for its beauty and beauty benefits.
Chamomile can be used both as an ornamental flower and for making tea. When you are tired, a cup of chamomile tea can soothe your body and mind. It is said that chamomile can be used to treat digestive problems. Plant chamomile in your backyard and when the harvest comes, you can drink chamomile tea from your backyard.
Rosemary is a common herb and you can find it in many places. Rosemary is one of the most popular flavored dishes and is often added to soups, stir-fries, salads, and other dishes.
Moreover, rosemary brings helps human health. It is said that rosemary can enhance memory. Most people can grow rosemary successfully because it does not require much skill.
Oregano is one of the common herbs found in many home backyards and it is a multi-purpose herb. A tea made from oregano leaves can be consumed to relieve headaches and treat colds. You can also use oregano to make homemade cleaning products to clean your kitchen and other areas of your home.
Where to start your herb garden
As long as you have a vacant area in your backyard, you can set up your herb garden there.
If the growing area is small, you can set up a raised garden bed or a mini-greenhouse here.
With a raised garden bed, you can use the space efficiently to cultivate herbs. At the same time, the raised garden bed can effectively avoid pests from harming the plants.
In spring, to avoid frost damage to the herbs, you can set up heaters and humidifiers in the mini-greenhouse to regulate the climate inside the greenhouse. You’d better choose a mini-greenhouse with a zipper or a viewing window to observe the plants at any time.
If you are used to growing herbs such as rosemary in pots, you can transplant herbs in pots and put them in mini greenhouses. This greenhouse is easy to manage, with multiple zipper doors for easy ventilation and care for plants.
We know that in early spring, there is often windy weather in some places. Wind can knock potted herbs down, and this greenhouse uses a powder-coated steel frame to make the whole stronger and less easily damaged by the wind.
If you want to take a large area of land for growing herbs, you can bring in a backyard greenhouse to help you. Open herb gardens are subject to spring winds, frost, pests, and plant damage, and a greenhouse can help gardeners avoid these problems as much as possible.
The benefits of using a greenhouse to build an herb garden also include providing an ideal growing environment for herbs, increasing herb production, and improving herb quality.
How to maintain your herb garden
Herbs love sunlight, and you should spend several hours a day getting herbs plenty of sunlight. But don’t choose midday, when the sun is strong and can burn the foliage.
Good quality soil is important for the healthy growth of herbs. Most herbs prefer well-drained, somewhat stony, or sandy soil. Heavy soil conditions are something herb gardeners need to avoid. You can amend heavy soil with pebbles. Don’t leave herb roots in wet soil, which can harm the plant.
In spring, some areas have dry weather and soil conditions are not conducive to herb plants, which requires gardeners to improve soil conditions. And gardeners in some wet areas, need to check the soil roots frequently to prevent rot and other conditions.
Frequent weeding is necessary for healthy herb growth. You should make it a habit to check for weeds regularly. The sooner you find weeds, the easier it will be for these unwanted guests to be removed.
When your herb garden has too many weeds, your herbs have to compete with these weeds for water. These herbs will be at risk of dehydration and wilting.
Early spring is the perfect time to plan your herb garden. During this season, you have plenty of time to consider herbs, fertilizers, greenhouses, garden beds, etc.
One thing that can be confirmed is that growing herbs will bring you many benefits, as well as the joy of gardening. You need to pay attention to a lot of details to make your herb garden better and better.